Physical Education
Course Description
Students are required to successfully complete a program of Physical / Health Education for each year of high school attendance. The Physical Education program is co-educational and grouped by grade level. Every effort will be made to give students a number of choices of activities based on the time of year, availability of facilities, equipment and class sizes. Fundamental skills and team concepts are emphasized pertaining to each individual activity. Through competitive activity these students will develop an appreciation for fitness and exercise as well as learn how to interact cooperatively and successfully with each other.
Course Requirements
Preparedness – Students who are unprepared for class or wear improper /unsafe attire will receive a five point deduction in their grade for the first offense and then ten point deductions for each subsequent occurrence.
Proper attire – Safe and appropriate clothing: t-shirts, shorts, sweatpants and sweatshirts. Sneakers must be tied with laces.NO gum chewing, jewelry, tank tops, short shorts, jeans, or stretchy pants. Clothes must be appropriate for class. *Points will be deducted for not adhering to these rules*
ALL STUDENTS must change out of the clothes worn to school.
NO PHONE ARE ALLOWED TO BE IN CLASS WHILE PARTICIPATING (not even in pockets). All phones will be confiscated and given to Mr Settembre’s office.
Participation – Lack of participation will result in up to a ten-point reduction of grade for each occurrence. Time on task, completion of task, fitness scores and efforts to improve skill are included in the participation grade. Performance or written assessments may be utilized and evaluated as part of your participation grade.
Attendance – Students will be allowed five absences (excluding science lab days, guidance conferences, CST meeting, approved medical and/or administrative needs, etc.) per quarter. Five points will be deducted for each missed class beyond the five days allowed. Students who have excessive absences (six or more) will have the option to attend make up session(s) arranged by your teacher. Do not make up work for other teachers during the physical education class period as it is not excused.
Grading Policy
Students begin each quarter with a A for physical education. It is up to you to maintain this grade. Points will be deducted for unprepared days, lack of participation, jewelry, missed fitness tests or excessive absences. 90% of grade.
Quarter Based Assessment will given at the end of each marking period and will count for 10% of marking period grade.
Your final grade will be based on the average of three quarters of physical education. An average of 65% is necessary for a student to receive a passing grade for the year. This course is required for graduation.
Joe Benvenuti
Director of Athletics
Ext: 2587
benvenutij@pvrhs.orgMichael Couden
Lead Teacher (Physical Education)
coudenm@pvrhs.orgNicholas Andriani
Physical Education Teacher
andrianin@pvrhs.orgSuzanne Benvenuti
Physical Education Teacher
benvenutis@pvrhs.orgAlfred Cappello
Physical Education Teacher
cappelloa@pvrhs.orgCheryl Grande
Physical Education Teacher
grandec@pvrhs.orgBrian Kapral
Physical Education Teacher
kapralb@pvrhs.orgMarc Salvatore
Physical Education Teacher
salvatorem@pvrhs.orgLynn Trautz
Physical Education Teacher